Presbyterian Women Thrift Sale and Bake Sale!
The Annual Thrift Sale and Bake Sale will be held at the church on Saturday, April 26th from 9:00-3:00. Donations of goods will begin on the Thursday before. Check with the church office for the exact days and time.
Thank you for your donations of goods, time and help to make our 2024 annual Thrift and Bake Sale a success. These are previous fundraisers that the Presbyterian Women's Group have sponsored:
Kendall Welling received a $500 educational scholarship.
$550 was donated to the Lake Michigan Presbyterian Women’s Fund. This money is used for their mission work throughout our Presbytery.
After learning about the need for books at the jail, we are donating $250 to a fund to purchase them.
$300 has been donated to the Van Buren Health Fair to help purchase supplies
$1,000 was donated to Wings of God.
We received $175 for hosting a Parade of Homes house. This
money was given to our Pastoral local mission fund.
Thanks to everyone who have helped us this year in some capacity. Stay tuned to learn more about us and we are doing!
Marge McKee
Thrift Sale 2024 Update!
WOW, what a day and what fun. Once again we had people lining up an hour before the sale began and by 8:00 AM they were already around the corner and down Pine Street. And again this year we had the most fantastic collection of treasures for our Thrift Sale Friends to purchase and purchase they did.

Thrift Sale
So once again, a huge THANK YOU to all of you who helped, donated and purchased. We couldn't have done it without YOU, and all you men who once again were there where ever and whenever you were needed, another thank you.

All monies received from the sale are used for work in our Church.

Presbyterian Women's Luncheon
In past years, we have had a great lunch in the fall. This was at Bistro 120 in Paw Paw. What a nice turnout!
It's important to note that the Presbyterian Women's group is NOT something you "join," it's something that you are. There are so many opportunities to be involved, to come and feel needed, or to have fun. 
Thanks Marge McKee for sending in your photos!
If we haven't seen you in a while - we miss you!